We develop a mechanism for the generation of nanobubbles of high efficiency, which allows to inject the gases in liquids of processes on an industrial scale, improving productivity in the agriculture, aquaculture and mining.
Nuestras soluciones en nanoburbujas permiten utilizar de manera eficiente los recursos naturales (agua, tierra y minerales) que requieren las grandes industrias, logrando un mejor resultado productivo con menor impacto ambiental.
Flexibility and integration
We are manufacturers. Our patented equipment can be integrated into different systems to solve challenges collaboratively and efficiently.
Con una eficiencia de transferencia de oxígeno de hasta 95%, pérdida de carga de apenas 0,5bar, y las más altas fracciones gas-líquido, aseguramos el menor consumo energético en los procesos de transferencia de gases, ayudando a nuestros clientes a reducir su impacto ambiental.
Robustness and simplicity
Nuestra experiencia en múltiples industrias nos ha permitido converger a un diseño robusto y sencillo, de rápida instalación, mantención simple y poco frecuente.
Applications by industry
Benefits of the use of nanobubbles
Aquaculture Industry
Our solutions injected oxygen efficiently, improving the well-being of aquaculture species (salmon, tilapia, shrimp), recovering seabed and optimizing processes in fresh water and sea water.
Mining Industry
We get a copper from low-emission. Our technology allows you to optimize the processes of leaching and flotation of ore, increasing the recovery, operating safely,with low maintenance and low energy consumption.
Industry Agricultural/Irrigation
Our nanobubbles able to retrieve compacted soils, saline, and over-exploited, improving the absorption of nutrients and increasing the productivity of the soil, and at the same time reducing the demand of water. In addition to restoring water bodies and reservoirs, giving them a new life.
Transformamos la tecnología de nanoburbujas para soluciones industriales.
Nuestros productos son altamente eficientes y escalables. Su robustez permite trabajar en ambientes agrícolas, acuícolas, mineros y otros sectores industriales.
Recovery of seabed (any) — Injection of oxygen in cage culture — Injection of oxygen in ponds on land (case Cermaq) — Injection of nanobubbles during slaughter bathrooms
Shrimp and tilapia
Increased survival of fingerlings of tilapia —
Increased survival of shrimp larva
Hydroponics lettuce —
Recovery of reservoir —
Increase productivity with irrigation
Leaching of gold —
Waterline —
Leaching of copper
Nanobubbles born in Patagonia
Somos un equipo multidisciplinario y multinacional, con una creciente red de distribuidores e integradores tecnológicos, todos trabajando con el mismo propósito de ser una fuerza positiva y transformadora que recupera, regenera y revitaliza los recursos naturales del planeta.